Friday, August 27, 2010

The Vampire's Assistant: Take a Bite Out of This One!

by Olivia Underwood

With all the bad vampire merchandise hitting the shelves due to the popularity of Twilight, why should viewers take the time to check out The Vampire’s Assistant? Honestly, I rented this movie fully expecting to hate it but I was pleasantly surprised! The Vampire’s Assistant was an enjoyable and entertaining movie.

In this movie, Darren Shan (Chris Massoglia) and his friend Steve (Josh Hutcherson) attend a creepy circus filled with fantastic freaks such as a man with two stomachs and a woman who can regenerate limbs. Darren is fascinated by the performances, especially Mr. Crepsley (John C. Reilly) and his performing spider Madame Octa. Steve is too, but for a different reason. He recognizes Mr. Crepsley from a vampire history book and confronts him after the show.

Darren hides in the closet with Madame Octa as he hears his friend beg to be made a vampire. When Mr. Crepsley refuses because of Steve’s “bad blood,” Darren escapes and takes the spider with him. When Steve finds out, disaster strikes and Madame Octa bites Steve. With no one else to turn to, Darren makes a deal with Mr. Crepsley in order to save Steve’s life. He agrees to become Mr. Crepsley’s assistant but to do so he must give up everything he loves.

This movie was fun to watch, with lots of fun scenes and good acting. The plot flows nicely and the characters are believable for the most part. I would definitely watch it again and would probably enjoy any sequel. If you’re looking for a better vampire movie, this is the one to catch.