Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Season of Sharing

by Meredith Penczek

Christmas time is time of giving. People are out doing charity work all over. People helping with organizations like Salvation Army, Shop with a Cop, Toys for Tots, and other charity groups. Everyone starts feeling grateful for what they have and not sad for what they don’t. Many of our own PCHS organizations are joining in the holiday spirit. Groups like Key Club, S.A.D.D., and C.A.M.A. are all helping in different ways. All of them are helping by bell ringing for Salvation Army at Wal-mart, Rural King, and Kroger. Key Club’s members helped by calling people for donations for Shop with a Cop. “People are always more giving during this time of the year, and they’re really nice when you are helping with a good group, like Key Club.” Key Club member Madeline Wilson reported after helping raise money for Shop with a Cop. Another group outside of school that helps with 4-H. 4-H has recycling every second and fourth weekend of the month. “I never thought that people in Paris, actually were really into recycling, but you can tell just by the turnout how people feel. We usually have good turnouts even in the winter.” Freshman Sarah Powers told us. Sarah is usual at recycling. The different 4-H clubs switch between weekends of recycling. Ms. Earlywine is a good example of what it means to give. She not only gives to those less fortunate than her, but she also helps animals. We all know that she has always been the charitable type. She often talks about her foster animals and refers to some of her students’ personalities to her pets’.

Many of the school organizations are giving little pushes for students to help with charity, but many of the advisors hope that the students really get something out of doing the work.

Monday, December 6, 2010


by Valerie Lau

Do you like suspense? Do you like mysteries and unsolvable crimes? If you say yes to any of these, then Liar is the book for you. Justine Larbalestier is the author of this book and according to the book she says, “This book has been messing with my mind for the last five years.” Throughout the book, it keeps you on your toes. You never know what’s going to happen.

The main character is Micah Wilkens, a high school senior in New York City. In the book, she freely admits she’s a compulsive liar trying to stop, but she never does. In her past years, she’s tricked her teachers and fellow classmates into believing unbelievable stories such as her father being a rich drug dealer with personal servants. She became so bad about lying that her friends don’t believe anything she says anymore. So when her boyfriend, Zachary Rubin, goes missing, who do you think people will blame? She insists over and over that she is not to blame for this, but is she lying? Find out in the book.

I actually really enjoyed reading this book. I didn’t want to put it down after I started. However, I don't recommend this to anyone under the age of thirteen because it has some sexual references and language. If you pick this book, you won’t be disappointed. Honestly.