Monday, January 31, 2011

"Naked Roomate" offers advice to college-bound

by Olivia Underwood

As every high school student knows, college is going to be totally different from any experience we’ve ever had, unless of course you live with your classmates, have little parental supervision, and have to pay for everything. With so many changes and new faces and places, college looks like a scary place but with the right guidance there’s nothing to fear. And there is one book that can help you.

“This book could help me with money, college living, and even dating,” Erica Sheeran said after looking through The Naked Roommate.

Questions about these things can scare the college excitement right out of you but The Naked Roommate: and 107 Other Issues You Might Run into in College by Harlan Cohen can help you through. By interviewing graduates, surveying students, and drawing on past experience Cohen has brought together a useful guide for every question you could think of, including the ones you never thought to ask.

Cohen has dared to ask even the riskiest of questions that every student wonders but no one asks such as: “Should I have sex?”and “Should I drink?” But also answers the standard “How do I avoid the freshmen 15?” and many more. This book is made to guide college bound students as painlessly as possible and covers a wide variety of useful subjects.

The Naked Roommate even has its own blog, a website where student, teachers, graduates, and parents can share stories, videos, advice, and questions directly to each and Cohen. Cohen has done everything possible to inform and entertain college fearing kids so if you have any questions about your future check this book out as soon as possible.