Monday, April 25, 2011

Tron: Legacy: Just a sequel or lasting favorite?

by Olivia Underwood

Lately it seems as though the only movies being released are remakes and sequels. But are these sequels any good or should you skip these new releases of old stories?

The 1982 Disney released the cult classic science fiction film Tron to critic acclaim. Tron slowly because a fan favorite because of its advanced (at the time) use of graphics and live action and so it made some sense that now, over 20 years later, Disney would attempt to capitalize on this fan base with the sequel Tron: Legacy.

Tron: Legacy follows Sam Flynn’s quest to find his father after his father’s pager activates 25 years after his disappearance. Sam finds his father’s hidden lab in the back of an arcade and is sucked into “the Grid” a cyber world in which users and programmers battle for control. Sam’s father has been trapped in the Grid and hiding from his own creation Clu, a program seeking to create the perfect world. Sam attempts to help his father escape but when Clu steals Sam’s father’s info disc that can unlock the portal to the real world it’s a race against the machine to make it to the portal before it closes.

This movie was visually entertaining and had a good soundtrack (if you like techno, which I do) but the plot and acting didn’t leave any lasting impressions. The original Tron was popular partly because the technology was so revolutionary and that simply isn’t true anymore. Today’s audiences are too used to advance special effects and graphics for that to carry a movie. All in all, this movie is fine if you’re stuck at home with a virus but not a favorites.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Rebecca Black: A Viral Sensation

by Kayla Foushee

The day of the week is Friday, what is the first thing that popped into your head? “It’s Friday, Friday, getting down on Friday.” Yes, Rebecca Black’s notorious “Friday” video. It’s time to shed some light on her overnight stardom.

Rebecca Black was born June 21, 1997. According to she gained widespread fame over the negative comments on her 2011 “Firday” video. This song was dubbed “the worst song ever.” By April 12, 2011 the video had over 1.9 million dis-likes and 250,000 likes. This song was released on iTunes for sale. It is estimated to have generated $40,000 from the first week of sales.

This song is showing up on top 100 charts all over the world. Rebecca Black is currently working without a record deal but is soon going to release a new album.

This goes to show that is you know the right people you can become a star. Rebecca Black was virtually a nobody. But with the help of $4,000 and a little mom “power,” she became an internet sensation.

In our country it doesn’t take much to be a star. Our funny video, one internet screw up, and you’ve landed you self a seat on every late night sticom you can think of. Even though she is famous for now it doesn’t mean it’s going to last for very long. So bash Rebecca Black all you want, but she’s still more famous than you are.

“It’s Friday, Friday, getting down on Friday. Everybody’s looking forward to the weekend.”