Friday, September 10, 2010

Lunch Procedure: The Good, the Bad, and the Hungry

by Kayla Foushee

Have you already gotten an AER for forgetting your lunch card? Do you already want a change of scenery even though it‘s only the third week of school? If you could change the lunch process would you?

Paris Cooperative High School has recently been experimenting with a new way of doing lunch. Every underclassman is required to carry an id card and scan it every day at lunch hour. You would think this isn’t a very demanding request but some students have problems remembering their card. Though the discipline is not that severe it is still not something you want. If you a student forget their lunch card they receive a lovely visit to the AER room.

In my opinion I think freshmen and sophomores should be able to go out to lunch. Another optition would be having sperate lunch fours for freshmen and sophomores. I do think it is a little much to expect kids to remember a little card every day.

I interviewed two different people who both had different opinions. When asked the question if the lunch room procedure is helpful, Shane Mason replied, “Yes, having cards to swipe is a good way of keeping the students organized.”

When Christine Aguirre was asked the same question she replied, “It is somewhat useful, but also a little strict.”

All in all people opinion on the lunch procedure vary. It is helpful but maybe somewhat strict. Hang in there everyone we’ll eventually get the hang at the lunch procedure. Until then you might want to duct tape your lunch card to your forehead.

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