Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Vote Yes 2 PCHS and give Paris some color

by Kayla Foushee

Say yes to the new PCHS! That’s what all the talk’s about! I want a new locker room! I want a new band room! Ooh how about a new gym! Everyone is talking about the new and improved PCHS.

Take a walk through the halls Paris Cooperative High School. It’s bleak and old, broken down but still up. It’s like watching a movie in black in white. Our school had no hope until Illinois State offered to pay up to 65% of a new school building for Paris Cooperative High School! Thus the color movies were invented.

This proposal from Illinois State is like a new flat screen TV while our old high school was the boxy dinosaur. It’s hard to imagine an amazing high tech, contemporary high school in Paris. But with the help of our town passing the vote it’s a dream that can become a reality.

This amazing opportunity we’ve been given is a once in a life time thing! Our high school is 102 years old. “I would vote yes because it’s a wonderful opportunity to take advantage of!” Said Tisha Brinkley. It would cost $10 to $12 million dollars to keep our school in running order just for the next few years. All those repairs eventually start to add up. Don’t you think it’s time for a new school?

According to yes2pchs.com, the only difficult part is the vote. In order for the state of Illinois to supply 65% of the money, the yes 2 pchs has to get more than 50% vote yes from district 4 and district 95. If the necessary votes are not received the money will go to build a school in a different community.

Citizens of Paris, Illinois! This is your call to action! When this vote comes around on April 5th vote yes! Don’t make your children be the only kids to watch life in black and white!

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