Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Season of Sharing

by Meredith Penczek

Christmas time is time of giving. People are out doing charity work all over. People helping with organizations like Salvation Army, Shop with a Cop, Toys for Tots, and other charity groups. Everyone starts feeling grateful for what they have and not sad for what they don’t. Many of our own PCHS organizations are joining in the holiday spirit. Groups like Key Club, S.A.D.D., and C.A.M.A. are all helping in different ways. All of them are helping by bell ringing for Salvation Army at Wal-mart, Rural King, and Kroger. Key Club’s members helped by calling people for donations for Shop with a Cop. “People are always more giving during this time of the year, and they’re really nice when you are helping with a good group, like Key Club.” Key Club member Madeline Wilson reported after helping raise money for Shop with a Cop. Another group outside of school that helps with 4-H. 4-H has recycling every second and fourth weekend of the month. “I never thought that people in Paris, actually were really into recycling, but you can tell just by the turnout how people feel. We usually have good turnouts even in the winter.” Freshman Sarah Powers told us. Sarah is usual at recycling. The different 4-H clubs switch between weekends of recycling. Ms. Earlywine is a good example of what it means to give. She not only gives to those less fortunate than her, but she also helps animals. We all know that she has always been the charitable type. She often talks about her foster animals and refers to some of her students’ personalities to her pets’.

Many of the school organizations are giving little pushes for students to help with charity, but many of the advisors hope that the students really get something out of doing the work.

Monday, December 6, 2010


by Valerie Lau

Do you like suspense? Do you like mysteries and unsolvable crimes? If you say yes to any of these, then Liar is the book for you. Justine Larbalestier is the author of this book and according to the book she says, “This book has been messing with my mind for the last five years.” Throughout the book, it keeps you on your toes. You never know what’s going to happen.

The main character is Micah Wilkens, a high school senior in New York City. In the book, she freely admits she’s a compulsive liar trying to stop, but she never does. In her past years, she’s tricked her teachers and fellow classmates into believing unbelievable stories such as her father being a rich drug dealer with personal servants. She became so bad about lying that her friends don’t believe anything she says anymore. So when her boyfriend, Zachary Rubin, goes missing, who do you think people will blame? She insists over and over that she is not to blame for this, but is she lying? Find out in the book.

I actually really enjoyed reading this book. I didn’t want to put it down after I started. However, I don't recommend this to anyone under the age of thirteen because it has some sexual references and language. If you pick this book, you won’t be disappointed. Honestly.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Openness About Drugs at PCHS

by Christine Porter

The openness about drugs among students at Paris high school about drugs is insane. Some kids here don’t really care who is around when they shout it to the whole school. You would think that people wouldn’t say anything about what they do over the weekend or even right before school, but they do.

Elise Svendsen said, “I hear about kids at school doing drugs pretty much every day and maybe once or twice during the weekend.”

People get a bad reputation when they say things about smoking weed or drinking. When talking to people that don’t do things like that, they don’t really know what to say because it makes them uncomfortable.

Mickaela Clark said, “It makes me uncomfortable to hear about people ruining their lives over something that isn’t worth it.” She also said that she doesn’t do it because she doesn’t see the point in wasting money for nothing. Why would you waste your time on something that is going to get you nowhere in life? When you can go and get an education and make a name for yourself without doing drugs.

When you get into drugs it’s really hard to get out of them and change your life. It may just start as smoking cigarettes then eventually you just take a hit of weed. Weed is usually just the gateway drugs to more and worse things. Most kids before high school said that they were never going to do drugs. Then, by the end of their freshman year, they have either tried it or they do it all the time. When that happens it’s usually the beginning of the end. Kids start not listening in class. Then, they start to skip school and not care what their parents have to say. Eventually kids run away from home and throw their lives away, and they start to regret what they did as a teenager. People at our school need to realize what they say and how it affects others in the school and their family members.

Giving Thanks

by Allison Pardi

Various students and teachers from Paris High School we're asked what they were thankful for:

Ms. E. - "Oh tons of stuff. I'm thankful for my family, food, my house, animals, my job and my life."

Rachel E. - " I am thankful for toilets and trashcans, and cars."

Sheri G. - " I am thankful for food, my daddy, Jakey's mommy, and my life."

Natalie M. - " I am thankful for being able to breath and have a roof over my head. Also, I am thankful for being in love.”

Mr.Dundas - “ I am thankful for my health, the bears, the future linebackers of America. I am also thankful for my family and my awesome guitar skills.”

Mr. Smith - “ I am thankful for my job, my wonderful family, indoor plumbing, my car, and my life. I am also thankful that we get the opportunity to have a new high school soon.”

Mrs. Hannah, Mr. Smith’s assistant - “I am thankful for my family and my friends. More importantly I am thankful to almost be done with college!”

Mikela W. - “I am thankful for my best friend Allison who is amazing beautiful and gorgeous! However, I am more thankful to have freedom of speech, even though it always get me in trouble.”

Sierra G - her dog and having a place to live.

Alexis P. - “I am thankful I get a meal every day, and that I get the chance to go to school.”

Austin - “I’m glad I’m almost done with high school.”

Chelsea A. - “I am thankful I get to come to school, I am glad that I have a home to come to.”

Michael J. - “I am glad that we have soldiers fighting for our freedom.”

Brett B. - “I am thankful for my family.”

Everett C. - “I am thankful for football and every sport in the world.”

Allison J. - “I am thankful for my family and my friends.”

Cameron K. - “I am thankful for my home.”

Jason A. - “I am thankful that my parents don’t yell at me everyday like some do."

Jessica J. - ”I am thankful for my dad.”

Jordan A. - “I am thankful for my whole entire family."

Friday, November 5, 2010

All Time Low

by Kayla Foushee

“I’ve never told lie and that makes me a liar. I’ve never made a bet but we gamble with desire. I’ve never lit a match with intent to start a fire, but recently the flames are getting out of control.” All Time Low is an American alternative rock band from Baltimore, Maryland, formed in 2003. The members of All Time Low are vocalist and rhythm guitarist Alexander Gaskarth, lead guitarist and backing vocalist Jack Barakat, bassist and back vocalist Zachary Merrick, and drummer Rian Dawson. The band's name is taken from lyrics in the song "Head on Collision" by New Found Glory.

The guys formed All Time Low while still in high school, and started out doing remakes of songs from other alternative bands such as Green Day and Blink-182. They signed their first record deal with Emerald Moon Records in 2004 and released their first Extended Play titled The Three Words to Remember in Dealing with the End later that year. Their first studio album, The Party Scene, was released July 2005. Before graduating high school in 2006, they signed a record deal with Hopeless Records and re-recorded songs from their debut album and included two new songs for their Extended Play Put Up or Shut Up.

“We were so privileged to get signed to Hopeless Records. A lot of bands don’t make it this far. We are also much like family here.” Rian Dawson said this when he was asked how he felt about the band.

All Time Low now headlines in their own majors tours and are the biggest band in their alternative rock genre. Right now the band is on a small tour around the country. Most recently they played a show in St. Louis at the Firebird.

“We know we have the best fans in the world. You stand in crowded rooms sweating to death screaming our songs. That, my friends, is dedication, and we love you for it.” Alexander Gaskarth said the night of the concert.

“So take my life, I'll hand it to you. And you can try on my clothes, but you can't fill these shoes. On a silver platter your wish came true; see a heart of gold turn platinum. You can take me life, but you can't take you with you.” These are the lyrics from there song Poison. When asked about this song Jack said, “You know we try to be as down to earth as possible, and we try to write songs that relate to what we and other people went through and are going through. This song is basically just about how people try to fit in all the time and sometimes it only takes one person to stand out and it snow balls from there.”

All in all, All Time Low is a down to earth band. They care about their fans, they even try to spend as much time with their families as possible. All Time Low is at an all time high and getting bigger. Basically they are the biggest band you’ve never heard of, but why don’t we change that?

Thursday, November 4, 2010

All Grown Up: Teen Pregnancy

by Christine Porter

Do you know anyone who has been pregnant at a young age? Being pregnant at a young age would obviously be hard for most people. You don’t have many choices that you want to think of. There is abortion which means you would have to abort the baby and live with the guilt. There is adoption which can be complicated and heart wrenching for the young mother. You could keep the baby, but give up your future.

Teenage pregnancy is the worst thing that could happen to a teenage girl. It could also be the best. You can see it as a wakeup call. Clean your life up; be motivated to get an education. Some teens don’t have a choice. They might be forced to have an abortion or forced to give the baby up for adoption, because they can’t take care of it.

Katie Keller was a teen mom. She had her son as a senior in high school. It was very difficult for her because her parents weren’t very supportive of her. They didn’t help out very much. She got married right out of high school and that didn’t last long. She worked as a CNA at Pleasant Meadows in Chrisman. That wasn’t quite enough to take care of a child. She had no way of getting a college degree until she got older and her children were able to take care of themselves. Her life hasn’t been easy at all.

“I wish girls would realize that one moment of happiness isn’t worth a life of regret,” says Katie Keller of the issue of teen pregnancy.

If you are a pregnant teen think twice about your decision. Make the best choice for your child. Also, if you are a sexually active teen think about the consequences of your actions and don’t just think about yourself. Think about the other people around you and how it will affect them, and I hope you will think before you act.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Wonderous World of Mr. Ogle: Part II

by Blade Hall

He is an English teacher at PCHS. He is a husband. He is a father of three children. He is a military veteran. He is Mr. Ogle.

Mr. Ogle has served a total of six years in the U.S. military from 2000-2006 and was deployed in places like Bulgaria, Iraq, Kuwait, and Germany. While serving our country over in Iraq, he missed many unforgettable moments in his family’s life, one of which was the birth of his daughter. While he had a few weeks time here and there to spend with his first born child, he really hadn’t spent much quality time with his daughter until she was ten months old, which was when he left the military to come back to his family and become a teacher here at Paris Cooperative.

“It was great, tough at times, but I wouldn’t change a thing,” states Mr. Ogle about his time serving. He went on to relate the lessons he learned. One of these that was the most important to him was the value of spending time with his kids. He said that too many parents lose the importance of watching a movie or sitting down and playing Sorry with their kids. Now, when his kids ask him to play with them, he thinks of what it was like when he lost that time while being in Iraq and how he missed out on so much of his daughter’s first year.

So parents and future parents, I guess the life lesson here is to pay attention. Cherish those small, seemingly insignificant moments with your family; because that may be all you have to remember them by when they’re gone, whether they’ve moved away, passed on, gone to college, or been deployed to Afghanistan. In a roundabout way, this has come to a simple fact, family is everything.

“I am who I am today because of it,” states Mr. Ogle. And who is he? A inspiring teacher and a great father. To read more of Mr. Ogle’s thoughts on parenting, read his blog: My Adventures in Fatherhood

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Wonderous World of Mr. Ogle: Part I

by Blade Hall

Mr. Ogle started his teacher blog two years ago to try and extend the classroom and its discussions. He had wanted to try and reach out to students that needed help outside of class. This past summer he started to do his Adventures in Fatherhood blog as a hobby and hopes to use it as a rough draft for a book he wants to write about his life and, as the name implies, what he has experienced as a father. He also wanted to build a relationship with his students on a more personal level and show that teachers have families and lives outside of school too; they aren't just robots that go on the charger after 3:20 and get off at 8:10.

Mr. Ogle also teaches a creative writing class that’s meant to prepare students for college and designed his lesson plans and class work to resemble those of a college class. One of the things that he has his students do is frequently write a blog. So far he’s been surprised by the knowledge that his students show through their blogs and how passionate they are about the things that they write about. These blogs have been viewed by people from fifteen different countries, but he wants to get these literacy works viewed by a bigger audience of viewers. The topics of these blogs range from school life to things like hunting and mechanics. Then, there are some that are modeling Mr. Ogle’s own blog and talk about their home lives or what it’s like to be a brother or sister.

Mr. Ogle wants his students to take the skills that they learned in class and apply them to whatever career they choose so they “can go beyond English.”

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Curl Up on the Couch with Something Scary

by Olivia Underwood

With Halloween just a short time away, now is the time to stock up on Hollywood’s scariest horror films. But with so many out there, which scary movies are looking good and which ones are looking sad? Well I’m here to help with my handy-dandy pumpkin scary scale!

1 Pumpkin = Is this movie a comedy?
2 Pumpkins = Oookay, a little spooky.
3 Pumpkins = NOOOO! DON’T GO IN THERE!
4 Pumpkins = I think I just peed my pants…

Movie 1: Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho = 4 Pumpkins
This movie is a classic and a must see for all horror or suspense movie lovers. As always Hitchcock’s use of music, atmosphere, and just the right amount of gore gives viewers an enjoyable ride. This film follows the story of the strange disappearance of blonde beauty Marion from the sinister Bait’s motel. With a twisty ending and an awesome starring role played by Antony Perkins, this is one you shouldn’t watch alone.

Movie 2: Killer Clowns from Outer Space = 1 Pumpkin
Alright, I know there are many people that are deathly afraid of clowns, but this movie is simply ridiculous. The plot follows a man as he tries to save a town from the evil clowns that have crash landed their space ship nearby. Although the clown costumes are a little creepy, the fights are ridiculous, the drunken sheriff is annoying, and the acting is terrible. Not surprisingly, with a 1 Pumpkin rating, this is one you can skip.

Movie 3: The Invasion = 3 Pumpkins
This 2007 remake of the classic Invasion of the Body Snatchers is a thrilling ride of suspense with one of my favorite actresses, Nicole Kidman, as the starring role. Kidman plays a mother and a doctor who must save her son from an alien invasion of the microscopic scale. The rules of the game? Never trust anyone, never show emotion, and NEVER fall asleep. For making me look a little funny at my friends and neighbors, I give this movie three pumpkins.

Movie 4: Sleepy Hollow = 2 Pumpkins
This movie is a Tim Burton retelling of the tale of the headless horsemen. With Johnny Depp as policeman Ichabod Crane, this movie is a wonderful time but isn’t quite as scary as some. There are plenty of bloodless decapitations but I would still recommend that you give this enjoyable movie a try.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

She Calls Him Raymond...

by Blade Hall

Brett Eldredge’s first single, “Raymond”, was premiered on CMT October 1st. He wrote the song while thinking about his grandmother, who has Alzheimer’s. Because of this first hit he’s been named CMT’s “Next Big Thing.”

While watching the music video, I can remember thinking to myself, “Wow, these are such deep, emotional song lyrics.” This is a great thing for someone so young and him being a “rookie” in the country music business. It shows that he has great potential and he’s an amazing song writer. I’m definitely going to keep an ear out for all of Brett’s music throughout his career. After hearing from a friend that Brett was a native from Paris, it just made him seem that much more amazing. I can’t help myself from thinking that this won’t be his last hit single. I can’t help myself from anticipating his debut album and waiting for him to release new songs.

Brett is very active for now. is going to be performing at the Second Annual Alzheimer’s Foundation of America’s For the Love of George Cocktail Party along with South of Eden and Shannon Brown while also touring around the country for a radio show. He’s going to places like Miami, Orlando, and the famous Grand Ole Opry in Nashville talking about his songs and making the people of Paris proud. I know I’m not the only one when I say good luck Brett and we hope you have a lot of success in your career!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

by Kayla Foushee

Everyone needs a boost of confidence every once and a while. I recently read a book that was all about confidence and self esteem. This wonderful book was about something people go through every day. It’s about how no matter what people do to fit in, if you let the people that make fun of you get to you, you’ll feel as if you aren’t good enough. This is the message of Artichoke’s Heart by Suzanne Supplee.

In Artichoke’s Heart the main characters name is Rosemary and she has a problem. She’s over weight. All she’d ever wanted to do was fit in. In an attempt to fit in she asked her mother to get her this special jacket that everyone was getting. Her mother scrimps and saves to get her the jacket and they only have it in green. When she arrives at school with her new jacket and people start making fun of her and calling her ‘artichoke’ or ‘arty’ or ‘choky.’

As we move forward into Rose’s future, she hits an all time high or all time low. Rose’s weight hits 204. She decides now that she has to change something. Though her methods of losing weight may not be the best, none the less she tries. However while Rose is going through her weight problem she finds out her mother has Hodgkin’s disease. While Rose is battling with her weight, Rose’s mother is facing her disease head on.

Through Rose’s process of losing weight she gains a true friend and boy that really care about her. Rose loses her weight over a period of time but also gains confidence and caring people. "Well... when you look at a person's eyes or her smile, you can't tell how much she weighs..." (p253).Even though she loses the weight people still make fun of her but she’s at the point where she knows now that she has people that love and care about her. “Life is like an artichoke, you can only get so much at a time. I finally see that now.” (p275)

Rose goes through a lot of stuff over the course of the book, and I know that what she went through could actually happen and has happened to people out our school. I learned a valuable lesson from this book. Making fun of people is awful. Even if you think they don’t care I’m almost positive they do. Don’t judge a book by its cover because if you do you might be missing out on the most valuable lesson of your life.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

by Blade Hall

If You Really Knew Me is a reality show on MTV that focuses on teen life and different cliques. It helps the teens get to actually know their peers by each person telling something personal about themselves. In the show, students from each clique participate in Challenge Day, a program that’s meant to break down stereotypes and connect the students.

A program like this would strongly benefit a small school like ours. We all stay in our group of friends and never really get to know the students outside of our circle. This program would help to stop all the judging and put an end to bullying. Even if we don’t get the actual staff to come to PCHS, maybe we could take a day and just make one for ourselves. It may not be as perfectly constructed as the television show, but at least it would be a step in the right direction.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

No Response: The Next Big Thing

by Kayla Foushee

The VMA for the best new artist of 2011 goes to No Response! Can you imagine it? Walking down the red carpet? Smiling for the paparazzi? Playing in front of millions of fans? Can’t you just see the lights flashing and the people screaming, “No Response, No Response!” Maybe that hasn’t happened yet but for Stewart Arp, Zack Lueken, Kyle Keenen, Henry Arp, Robert Wise, and Tahj McDaniel that day isn’t so far away. This six guys make up the band No Response.

Each one of the guys has specific job in making the band run. Kyle Keenen, age 16, rocks out on the lead guitar; Stewart Arp, age 15, is in charge of lead vocals and rhythm guitar. Zack Lueken, age 15, plays the bass and sings back ground vocals. Henry Arp, age 11, plays drums; Robert Wise, age 15, is head roadie/bassist. Robert commented, "Basicly I'm a volunteer pack mule."Tahj McDaniel does the soundboards and PA systems.

The band, No Response, plays Alternative/Punk Rock music. When Stewart was asked how the band’s name came about he answered this, “No Response came about because the world is in a downward spiral, and we are saying that no one is responding.” Though No Response has only played three gigs and have only been together for four short months, they are still well known in our town. Stewart commented that they have many more gigs lined up for future dates.

All of No Response’s songs are original. They are written by Stewart Arp and Kyle Keenen. When Stewart was asked what the plans for the band were after high school he said, “It all depends how successful we are. If we get signed we will probably stay together. We will find out when the time comes.” The band does have a Myspace page, but Stewart commented after recording the band plans on making a website.

Though the band has not received a VMA or a Grammy, they are still on their way to the top. Just remember when you hit the number one spot on the recording charts, watch your back because Lady Gaga might be out to get you!

(Henry Arp - not pictured)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Lunch Procedure: The Good, the Bad, and the Hungry

by Kayla Foushee

Have you already gotten an AER for forgetting your lunch card? Do you already want a change of scenery even though it‘s only the third week of school? If you could change the lunch process would you?

Paris Cooperative High School has recently been experimenting with a new way of doing lunch. Every underclassman is required to carry an id card and scan it every day at lunch hour. You would think this isn’t a very demanding request but some students have problems remembering their card. Though the discipline is not that severe it is still not something you want. If you a student forget their lunch card they receive a lovely visit to the AER room.

In my opinion I think freshmen and sophomores should be able to go out to lunch. Another optition would be having sperate lunch fours for freshmen and sophomores. I do think it is a little much to expect kids to remember a little card every day.

I interviewed two different people who both had different opinions. When asked the question if the lunch room procedure is helpful, Shane Mason replied, “Yes, having cards to swipe is a good way of keeping the students organized.”

When Christine Aguirre was asked the same question she replied, “It is somewhat useful, but also a little strict.”

All in all people opinion on the lunch procedure vary. It is helpful but maybe somewhat strict. Hang in there everyone we’ll eventually get the hang at the lunch procedure. Until then you might want to duct tape your lunch card to your forehead.

Friday, August 27, 2010

The Vampire's Assistant: Take a Bite Out of This One!

by Olivia Underwood

With all the bad vampire merchandise hitting the shelves due to the popularity of Twilight, why should viewers take the time to check out The Vampire’s Assistant? Honestly, I rented this movie fully expecting to hate it but I was pleasantly surprised! The Vampire’s Assistant was an enjoyable and entertaining movie.

In this movie, Darren Shan (Chris Massoglia) and his friend Steve (Josh Hutcherson) attend a creepy circus filled with fantastic freaks such as a man with two stomachs and a woman who can regenerate limbs. Darren is fascinated by the performances, especially Mr. Crepsley (John C. Reilly) and his performing spider Madame Octa. Steve is too, but for a different reason. He recognizes Mr. Crepsley from a vampire history book and confronts him after the show.

Darren hides in the closet with Madame Octa as he hears his friend beg to be made a vampire. When Mr. Crepsley refuses because of Steve’s “bad blood,” Darren escapes and takes the spider with him. When Steve finds out, disaster strikes and Madame Octa bites Steve. With no one else to turn to, Darren makes a deal with Mr. Crepsley in order to save Steve’s life. He agrees to become Mr. Crepsley’s assistant but to do so he must give up everything he loves.

This movie was fun to watch, with lots of fun scenes and good acting. The plot flows nicely and the characters are believable for the most part. I would definitely watch it again and would probably enjoy any sequel. If you’re looking for a better vampire movie, this is the one to catch.